Introduction to Company Law

INTRODUCTION TO COMPANY LAW Autor: Anamika M J, National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi INTRODUCTION The concept of the company has been there for quite a while. The highlights and attributes of it have advanced over the timeframe as per the cultural changes that the nation has experienced. The company has certain preferences over

How to file a Complaint in NGT?

How to file a Complaint in NGT? Author: Anamika M J, National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi The National Green Tribunal was established by the National Green Tribunal Act 2010 for the effective and expeditious disposal of cases relating to environmental protection and conservation of forest and other natural resources and for the enforcement

Who are Muslims?

Who are Muslims? Author: Anamika M J, National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi Definition                                                                                               The word Muslim was first used in Print in 1615. According to Agnides a Muslim is one who believes in the mission of Mohammad as Prophet or one who says that there is one God and the Mohammad is his

How to Read bare act properly?

HOW TO UNDERSTAND BARE ACT TO UNDERSTAND LAW PROPERLY? Author: Anamika M J, National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi INTRODUCTION A bare Act contains the rules or provisions relating to the matter discussed under law. To read and understand the law properly by reading a bare Act one needs to know the structure of

MOA (Memorandum of Association)

MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION Author: Deepanshi Kalra MEANING Memorandum of Association is defined in Section 2 (56) of the Company Act 2013 as – the “Memorandum” refers to the memorandum of the company as drawn up initially during the formation of the company or as changed periodically to carry out any action as per any other

Stock Exchange

STOCK EXCHANGE Author: Deepanshi Kalra The stock exchange is an organized market where traders, investors, and brokers buy and sell securities, shares, and bonds. In order words, it is an organized market for buying and selling of corporate and securities. They are sold by following a set of well-structured rules and regulations. Trading in stock

Corpus delicti

Corpus delicti Meaning It’s Latin word which is a combination of two words,i.e., “Corpus“- means body and “delicti“- means act contrary to law, that is a crime. Details This donates a group of crimes. However, this word is not used often like actus reus and it is used to show common sense. The principle of

Bona fide

Bona fide Meaning: In Good faith, Genuine, Action done in Good faith Details: For Example: If there is a bona fide and reasonable dispute as to a substantial part of the debt on which the petition is based, and the defence is a substantial one, the Court tends to refuse winding up. In the circumstances,

Concept of Shares

CONCEPT OF SHARES Author: Divya Vishal MEANING A share in a company refers to a unit of ownership of the company issuing shares. There are different elements that may impact the price of shares. At the point when an organization performs well and develops, its stock value or share value will in general go up.

Ab Initio

Ab initio Meaning Its Latin word is ‘from the beginning’. Details In legal language generally this word is used with void for example-void ab initio. Wherein any authority, specifically legislative exercises powers beyond its jurisdiction, then such exercise of powers is void ab initio. For example- Article 13(2) of the Constitution Provides ‘that state shall