Suit for Defamation

SUIT FOR DEFAMATION Author: Shreya Chakraborty, Amity Lawchool, Rajasthan Defamation is basically the communication of a statement out of which claims arise resulting in a negative image to an individual, business, product, group, etc. Whoever by words either spoken or intended to be read, or by visible representations, makes or publishes any imputation concerning any

Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose (1903): Case Comment

MOHORI BIBEE v. DHARMODAS GHOSE (1903): CASE COMMENT Author: Ankita Karn, REVA University, Bangalore Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose (1903): Case Comments Appellant: Mohori Bibee Respondent: Dharmodas Ghose Advocate for Appellant: Watkins Advocate for Respondent: W.W. Box Court: Calcutta High Court Judge: Lord McNaughton, Lord Davey, Lord Lindley, Sir Ford Noth, Sir Andrew Scoble, Sir

Narayan ganesh dastane v. Sucheta narayan dastane: Case Comment

Author: Rudrabhishek Chauhan, School of Law, Galgotias University. Court: The Supreme Court of India AIR 1975 1534 Decided On: 19/03/1975 Facts: The appellant is Narayan Ganesh Dastane, a proficient and qualified man who worked on various exercises on a national and worldwide level. The Respondent is Sucheta who is a learned woman whose father capacities as

Judicial Intervention in Religion: Defining new Religious Freedom

Judicial Intervention in Religion: Defining new Religious Freedom Author: Krishna Bhattacharya, KIIT school of law, Bhubaneshwar, India India is a secular country and the judiciary has a paramount duty to maintain the status of secularism. There is heavy literature on secularism such as of Donald Eugene Smith who gave a model of secularism where three types of

Saffronization of India and the Role of the Government in striking a balance

Saffronization of India and the Role of the Government in striking a balance Author: Tamanna Gupta, RGNUL The term Saffronization is a neologism mostly used in the contemporary Indian context, which means an attempt by Hindu nationalists to impose their ideologies, practices, and beliefs on the totality of the population residing in a defined territorial

Tatas V Cyrus Mistry: A big question mark on Corporate Governance

Tatas V Cyrus Mistry: A big question mark on Corporate Governance Author: Krishna Bhattacharya, KIIT school of law, Bhubaneshwar, India To unfold the ground for disagreements between the renowned Chairman of Tata Sons, Ratan Tata, and Cyrus Mistry; it is important to know the background of the entire tussle between them. The Mistrys like Tata belonged to

The fallacy in law when it comes to consensual sex among adolescents

The fallacy in law when it comes to consensual sex among adolescents Author: Krishna Bhattacharya, KIIT school of law, Bhubaneshwar, India Teenagers or late adolescents ( 16-19 years) behave or have different needs than an earlier generation as every generation is affected by the social, political and economic conditions of that generation. The present generation has easy

Certificate Course on Research Methodology (5th Batch)

About: This course has been designed by A Unit of Raghvendra Kumar and Associates LLP (AAO-0844), is a top legal website of the country.  We’re recognized by StartupIndia, Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India, Government of India [DPIIT35711] The objective of this course is to grow the seeds of proper research methodology among the Law students.


4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTEMPORARY LEGAL ISSUES 2020 at Galgotia University ON SATURDAY, 21 MARCH 2020: ABOUT SCHOOL OF LAW: The Galgotias School of Law (GSOL) in just a glorious 7 years by strong traditions of skill orientation, the ambiance and serenity of a world-class infrastructure; excellent blend of rigor and relevance in the curriculum; local