Category: Legal Articles


Author: Abhishek Sinha (Ultimate Year Law Student), ICFAI Law School, Dehradun. Acquisitions have never been utilized to reroute and reorganize corporate strategy more generally. Many CEOs now feel that purchasing a company to get access to markets, commodities, technology, resources, or management skills is less risky and quicker than pursuing the same objectives internally. Even

Pardoning Power of President

Author: Ashwin Singh, Symbiosis Law School, Pune. Introduction: In ancient times when there were kings and queens, the pardoning power was used by them for their gain and for generating revenues. Now that the shift in kingdoms to democracies, from kings to presidents, the power has shifted and is now given for mercy and fairness.

Gender And Environment: Overview

Author: Harshika Kapoor, LLM, ILS PUNE INTRODUCTION: What is a Gender Responsive approach? The particular needs, priorities, power structures, status, and relationships between women and men are recognized and adequately addressed in the design, implementation, and evaluation of activities. The approach seeks to ensure that women and men are given equal opportunities to participate in

Mischief Rule Of Statutory Interpretation

Author: Divya V Hegde, 3rd-year B.A.LL.B(Hons), University Law College, Bangalore University. INTRODUCTION Understanding of legal legislature is difficult for any laymen, sometime even the legal luminaries find it difficult to understand the meaning or the true sense of the statutes thus to overcome this exertion, a branch of legal studies deals with the interpretation of the

Video Games And The Tussle Around Indian Copyright Laws: The Way Forward

Author: Koushik Gorain, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi Kumar Ankit, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab INTRODUCTION The post-pandemic era has brought a lot of difficulties variably to approximately all the sectors. Work from home has been troublesome and adversely affected their growth. However, amid this difficult time, the gaming

Pre-package Insolvency: A Maiden Chapter Towards the Rescue of MSMEs?

Authors- Harsh Kumar Dubey, ICFAI Law School, Dehradun Aryak Wadhawan, ICFAI Law School, Dehradun Abstract An effectively operating economy requires an effectively operating bankruptcy system. Before the enactment of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, the legislative structure in India which dealt with insolvency and restructuring procedures of partnership firms, corporate entities, and individuals, was

An Undeclared Education Emergency

Author: Kushagra Gahlot Undoubtedly, the COVID 19 pandemic has disrupted the normalcy of citizens of India by causing the closure of business, economy, and more importantly the educational sectors. As the medium of education throughout India during the COVID-19 pandemic has been shifted through online mode by the virtue of google meet, zoom etc. The

An Analytical Study On Nuisance In Torts

Author: Kadimi Lakshmi Harshitha, Alliance University, Karnataka INTRODUCTION According to our law of the land, every individual is entitled to enjoy their property and rights without causing any disturbances or inconvenience to others. However, if someone uses the land which results in unlawful interference with the rights of the others, they are said to commit

Arbitration And Conciliation In Resolving Disputes Is Still A Far Cry In India

Author 1: Ms Mishika Loonker, Institute of Law, Nirma University; Author 2: Ms Divya Mehta, Institute of Law, Nirma University “An ounce of mediation is worth a pound of arbitration and a ton of litigation!” -Joseph Grynbaum Introduction This article discusses in detail the recent amendment made under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and

The offence of theft under the IPC

THE OFFENCE OF THEFT UNDER THE IPC Author: This article is written by Kammate NATIGOU *Author has written this article while pursuing training program on article writing by INTRODUCTION The notion of theft is as old as the existence of man on earth. Theft is a social phenomenon. Men always have this tendency to appropriate

Sources of Hindu Law [Updated]

Author: Jatin Garg, VIPS, Delhi INTRODUCTION India is a country that has abundant personal laws, each community has its own personal law. The Hindu, the majority community has separate family law, so have Muslims, Christians, Jains, Sikhs. Hindus and Muslims have since time immemorial maintained that their laws are of divine origin. However, no such