Category: Legal Articles

Judicial and Non-Judicial Stamp Paper

Author: Ms. Kritika Goyal, Amity Law School, Delhi. Judicial and Non-Judicial Stamp Paper In any society, relationships are built on commercial and non-commercial agreements. Parties agree to a negotiated and typically binding arrangement of things between them, as to the course of action which will flow from each other. These arrangements can be of and

Rape: The Emotional And Psychological Aspects And Its Consequences

Author: Simran, B.A. LL.B. (Hons), Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan *Author has written this article while pursuing training program on article writing by Introduction: Rape and Sexual Assault is a sad reality of life. Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code defines Rape. Rape is reported as a rapidly-growing violent crime. Sexual harassment and rape are very

Legalization Of Marital Rape In India Violating Article 14 And 21 Of Indian Constitution

Author: Gaurav, 3rd Year B.A. LL.B., ICFAI University, Dehradun *Author has written this article while pursuing training program on article writing by INTRODUCTION Marital rape in general means a husband having sexual intercourse with his wife without her consent or by forcing and committing assault. There’s no proper definition of marital rape in India for

Analysis Of Irretrievable Breakdown Of Marriage As A Ground Of Divorce Under Hindu Law

Author: Kritika Shaw, Bba.llb, 4th year, ICFAI University, Dehradun *Author has written this article while pursuing training program on article writing by INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPT Irretrievable breakdown of marriage is now taking a huge pace in today’s world. Irretrievable breakdown of marriage under Hindu marriage act, 1955 means a marriage which is completely broken and

Defamation From India Penal Code (IPC)

Author: Vaddi Ganga Sri, 3rd year B.A.LLB, Rajiv Gandhi College of Law, Kakinada *Author has written this article while pursuing training program on article writing by INTRODUCTION:                    A man who criticises one reputation through oral or written is called defamation. Defamation is of two types one is libel and another one is slander. In

Volenti Non Fit Injuria

Author: PRATYUSH PRAKHAR, BA.LL.B.(Hons), ICFAI University, Dehradun *Author has written this article while pursuing training program on article writing by INTRODUCTION In tort law, if a person does a wrongful act that causes harm to another person, He is held accountable and must pay damages or provide some other form of compensation to the victim,

Capital Punishment for Rape

CAPITAL PUNISHMENT FOR RAPE Author: Ruchita Srivastava *Author has written this article while pursuing training program on article writing by INTRODUCTION THEY RAPE BRUTALLY BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THE PUNISHMENT IS NOT BRUTAL... Naufa Yahiya Girls and women in India are urged to dress appropriately, stay at home, and avoid going out alone because it

Complaint to the Magistrate

Author: Vishwendra Prashant, The ICFAI University, Dehradun *Author has written this article while pursuing training program on article writing by COMPLAINT TO THE MAGISTRATE INTRODUCTION The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 lays down the procedures for filing a complaint to the Magistrate. In a general sense, a complaint means a formal allegation against a party.

Human Trafficking: Global and Local Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking: Global and Local Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking Author: Ms Champa Devi, PhD. Research Scholar, Department of Laws, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. *The author has written this article while pursuing a training program on article writing by Introduction: Human trafficking being a violation of human rights is a very heinous crime. It involves the

Arbitration: Procedures and Practice in India

Arbitration procedures and practice in India: overview Author: Veera Lakshmi Satya Triveni, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Law, Kakinada *Author has written this article while pursuing training program on article writing by Introduction: Arbitration refers to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which is a method for resolving disputes outside of the official judicial mechanisms.  Arbitration is

Writs and its types

Name: Aditi Saboo, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies INTRODUCTION When we got independence, our forefathers gave us some rights and provided us with some rules and regulations with common consensus in the name of the constitution. The objective was to create a superstructure that could govern the nation by installing the rights in the