The Extension of Artificial Intelligence in The Legal Arena

Nitya Shukla, 2nd year, ICFAI University, Dehradun


Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology across various industries, and the legal arena is no exception. With advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics, AI has the potential to revolutionize the legal profession. This article explores the extension of AI in the legal arena, discussing the opportunities it presents and the challenges that need to be addressed for its effective implementation.

Artificial intelligence is the study of how a machine can think, analyse, and make decisions in the same ways as a human brain does. According to John McCarthy[i], “The science & engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programmes”

As a result, we might argue that artificial intelligence gives machines the ability to reason. The goal of artificial intelligence is, without a doubt, to develop and intensify computer functioning that is related to human analytical difficulties in relation to human knowledge in order to improve virtual learning, better reasoning, and problem-solving abilities.


The legal field involves complex tasks that require significant time and resources, such as contract review, legal research, due diligence, and case prediction. AI technologies can streamline these processes by automating repetitive tasks, analysing vast amounts of data, and providing valuable insights. This section provides an overview of AI technologies and their relevance to the legal industry.

India is a developing country, thus chances for artificial intelligence in various areas have never stopped. By setting a goal of roughly 20%, India is one of the top nations when it comes to the application of artificial intelligence. As a result, the state’s adoption of artificial intelligence in a variety of fields is moving very slowly.

Following 2017, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas adopted artificial intelligence through a partnership with Canadian software Kira Systems, 4% of which currently use the AI-based software for effective working.

Aside from that, “The Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law” is the only organisation in India to think about integrating artificial intelligence into the legal system. It is a closely knit friendship between law firms and information technology.

Artificial Intelligence: A No-Paper Evolution

Whether a person is alive or dead, their identification can only be made on paper, specifically the birth certificate and afterwards the death certificate. The history of paper in the Indian legal system predates the creation of any laws. Paper was once thought to be the only source of law because ancient texts like the Bible, Vedas, Quran, and Arthshastra were so carefully preserved on it.

Modern legislation like the Indian Penal Code, the Code of Civil Procedure, the Indian Evidence Act, and others were the product of extensive paperwork after Independence. The modern laws currently in effect in the legal system, such as the Farmer’s Agriculture Bills, the National Register Bill (CAA-NRC), and all other bills are on “paper,” so this won’t end there.

But by transferring the 2021 finance bill from the Bahi Khata to a tablet (an AI gadget), the legislative body has taken a first step towards saving the environment. According to a data analysis report on paper consumption, India is the fifth-highest user of paper in the world, consuming roughly 20 kg of paper per day on average. However, due to government initiatives aimed at artificial intelligence, the country’s paper consumption is out of control and is expected to rise by 53% over the next six years, according to a report given to the UN.

AI Applications in the Legal Arena:

This section highlights the various applications of AI in the legal field, including:

Legal Research and Document Analysis:

AI-powered platforms can analyse vast legal databases, enabling faster and more accurate legal research. Natural language processing algorithms can extract relevant information from contracts, statutes, and case law, saving time and reducing errors.

Contract Review and Due Diligence:

AI algorithms can review contracts, flag potential issues, and extract critical clauses. This automation reduces the time spent on manual review and helps identify risks or non-compliance more efficiently. Similarly, AI can aid in due diligence processes by analysing large volumes of data to identify potential legal risks.

Predictive Analytics and Case Outcome Prediction:

AI algorithms can analyse historical case data, identifying patterns and predicting case outcomes. This technology can assist lawyers in evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of a case, helping them make more informed decisions.

Legal Virtual Assistants:

AI-powered virtual assistants can provide legal information, answer routine legal queries, and assist in generating legal documents. These virtual assistants enhance client interaction, improve accessibility to legal services, and increase efficiency in law firms.

Benefits and Opportunities:

This section discusses the benefits and opportunities presented by AI in the legal arena, including:

Increased Efficiency and Cost Reduction:

By automating repetitive tasks, AI can significantly improve efficiency and reduce costs associated with legal processes. This enables lawyers to focus on more complex and strategic matters.

Enhanced Legal Research:

AI-powered tools can analyse vast volumes of legal information, leading to more comprehensive and accurate research. This can result in better-informed legal arguments and decisions.

Improved Decision-Making:

AI algorithms can provide insights based on data analysis, supporting lawyers in making well-founded decisions. This technology can help identify risks, assess case viability, and predict potential outcomes.

Access to Justice:

AI has the potential to increase access to justice by providing affordable and efficient legal services. Virtual legal assistants and online platforms can cater to individuals who might not have access to traditional legal resources.

Challenges and Considerations:

While AI brings significant opportunities to the legal arena, it also raises several challenges and considerations:

Ethical Implications:

The use of AI in legal decision-making raises questions about accountability, transparency, and bias. Addressing these ethical concerns is crucial to ensure the fairness and integrity of the legal system.

Data Privacy and Security:

AI relies on vast amounts of data, including sensitive client information. Protecting data privacy and ensuring robust cybersecurity measures is essential to maintain client trust and confidentiality.

Human Expertise and Judgment:

AI technologies should be seen as tools to augment human expertise rather than replace legal professionals. Maintaining a balance between AI and human judgment is crucial to avoid over reliance on algorithms.

Regulatory Framework:

The rapid advancement of AI in the legal arena requires the development of a suitable regulatory framework. Regulations should address issues such as liability, accountability, and the ethical use of AI systems.


The extension of artificial intelligence in the legal arena presents significant opportunities for increased efficiency, improved decision-making, and enhanced access to justice. However, addressing the ethical, privacy, and regulatory challenges associated with AI implementation is crucial. As the legal profession embraces AI technologies, it is essential to strike a balance between the benefits of automation and the preservation of human judgment, ensuring the fair and effective administration of justice in the digital age.

The former Chief Justice of India, Dipak Misra, accurately described the impact of the new age, or the modern technology in artificial intelligence, on the legal profession while addressing a great conference. This influence on doing that work with full ability and success. According to the statement of the Ld.

Former Chief Justice, which is reproduced below:

“Modern technology operates within the framework of the laws and norms that decide them. Artificial intelligence (AI) holds great promise for growth across a variety of industries. Strong legal protections are required for AI in order to fully explore its potential advantages. We still don’t fully understand all the advantages, benefits, or drawbacks of AI in today’s expanding and multifaceted environment. India has the necessary skills and technology capabilities to advance artificial intelligence in the legal sector. The nation can achieve many milestones with a solid command of and conviction in AI if it has a clear legal directive. But at the moment, neither India’s legal system nor its special rules and regulations control AI.

In an interview, the Honourable Justice DY Chandrachud discussed a similar topic. The opinion is provided below and is as follows:

The goal of artificial intelligence is not to replace judges or the human brain, mind, or presence, but rather to give judges a helpful tool to reassess and reevaluate the procedures they use, to reassess and reevaluate the work they do, to ensure that their outcomes are more forceful and compatible, and ultimately to give all citizens of the nation access to justice on a broad scale.


Online Journals and Articles

legal-services-using-artificial-intelligenc says-the-lawyer-magazine/

Legal Services India


Statues and Acts:

The Information Technology Act, 2000

The Indian Evidence Act, 1872.