Deposit Of Cash As A Condition Precedent For Granting Anticipatory Bail. Author: Ritik Saluja, GGSIPU, Delhi Whenever a person is accused of an offence and either is arrested for the commission of offence or has the anticipation that order for his arrest will be released or has already been released can apply for bail in
Restriction on Advocates: Misconduct or Miscarriage of Justice Author: Ritik Saluja, GGSIPU, Delhi There are a few professions that are considered as a noble profession and practicing Advocacy is one of them. A noble profession is one in which the welfare of society is prioritized over the welfare of self. The profession of advocacy has
Author: Ritik Saluja, GGSIPU, Delhi Concept of Partnership Partnership is defined in the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 as a relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all. All the individuals who agree to be in a relationship of a
About : ILSJCCL (Indian Legal Solution Journal of Criminal and Constitutional Law) is e-journal having ISSN: 2581-8465 (A Unit of Raghvendra Kumar and Associates LLP, Reg no. AAO-0844) The team is currently working in the field of Free Legal Assistance and for students providing the platform for law students to represent themselves. To provide students with a
CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF SURROGACY BILL, 2016 Author: Ritik Saluja, GGSIPU, Delhi Brief Introduction to Surrogacy Surrogacy is the arrangement in which a woman agrees to convince the child of another couple by In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), give birth to a child and hand it over to the couple who will be considered as the legal parents
MINOR AS A WITNESS Author: Ritik Saluja, GGSIPU, Delhi. COMPETENCY OF A MINOR WITNESS Legislative Provisions Provisions relating to the competency of a witness is given in sec 118 of The Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Being competent is a condition precedent to the administration of oath for a witness. Sec 118 of The Indian Evidence
Water Scarcity – A Threat to Humanity Author: Ritik Saluja, GGSIPU, Delhi. In its report titled “Water in India: Situation and prospects” UNICEF studied that on average each year 600,000 children under 5 years of age die because of water sanitation related problems. This is just one aspect of how water scarcity can impact our
CIVIL PROCEDURE AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: DIFFERENCES Author: Ms. Teresa Dhar, CNLU, Patna I. 1. DEFINITION: A. The civil procedure applies to the process where two parties bring a case to the court for a decision on a particular matter. These matters can include divorces, estate distribution, injury cases, or even matters such as discrimination in the
About: This course has been designed to give you an insight into the perspectives of Human Rights. This course will enhance your expertise over the subject and will be an important value in addition to your CV. This course is designed by people having expertise over the subject matter and every module is made in
Difference between Fact in Issue and Relevant Fact Author: Ms. Teresa Dhar, CNLU, Patna Q1. Defining clauses: a) Facts – “ ‘Fact’ means and includes— (1) Anything, state of things, or relation of things, capable of being perceived by the senses; (2) Any mental condition of which any person is conscious.” Hence, it could be either be physical
A LETHAL JUDGEMENT: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF BUCKLEW VS PRECYTHE Author: Ms. Teresa Dhar, CNLU, Patna INTRODUCTION In 1996, Missouri, Russell Bucklew had brutally murdered his girlfriend, her mother and the family that had given shelter and protection to the girlfriend. The brutality of the murder had led to his conviction by the Missouri jury which couldn’t
Why Lack Of Rules To Regulate The Conduct Of Judges Is The Actual Threat To Judiciary Author: Ms. Teresa Dhar, CNLU, Patna Very recently, the Chief Justice of India, Rajan Gogoi was accused of sexual harassment on a former Supreme Court employee. This allegation is very significant in its nature for several reasons – primarily because the
DECRIMINALIZATION OF HOMOSEXUALITY: CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE RECENT BOTSWANA JUDGMENT Author: Ms. Teresa Dhar, CNLU, Patna Q1. What is the case all about? On 11th June, 2019, in another historic case of decriminalizing homosexuality, the Botswana High Court in LETSWELETSE MOTSHIDIEMANG (Applicant) v. ATTORNEY GENERAL (Respondent) and the LESBIANS, GAYS AND BISEXUALS OF BOTSWANA (LEGABIBO) as
CASES ON MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE IN INDIA (2016-2019) Author: Ms. Teresa Dhar, CNLU, Patna 1. Name of the case – Kusum Sharma & Ors vs Batra Hospital & Med.Research Year of the case – 10th February, 2010 Principle – To prosecute a medical professional for negligence under criminal law it must be shown that the accused did something or failed