JOB ALERT : Public Prosecutor by UPSC – Last Date 27 April

UPSC is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the job title of the public prosecutor.

Number of Vacancies



Revised Pay as per 7th CPC Level-10 (Rs. 56100-177500) in the Pay Matrix.

Essential Qualification

A. EDUCATIONAL- Degree in Law of a recognized University.

Note-I – Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.

B. EXPERIENCE- Seven years’ practice at the Bar in conducting criminal cases.

Note-II – The qualification regarding experience is relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes, if at any stage of selection, the Union Public Service Commission is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the posts reserved for them.

Late Date of Apply

27th April 2023

Click here to apply