Video Making Competition by Delhi State Legal Services Authority
Delhi State Legal Services Authority erstwhile Delhi Legal Aid & Advice Board has been constituted by an Act of Parliament passed under “The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987” as amended by Legal Services Authorities (Amendment) Act, 2002, to provide free and competent legal service to the weaker sections of the society to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities, and to organize Lok Adalats, to secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on a basis of equal opportunity. The DSLSA works under the administrative control of the High Court of Delhi.
The North-West District Legal Services Authority under the aegis of Delhi State Legal Services Authority functions the above – mentioned objectives at its office situated at Room No.-405, 4th Floor, Rohini Courts, New Delhi.
North-West District Legal Services Authority (under the aegis of NALSA and DSLSA) in association with Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, New Delhi has launched a Video Making Competition under the leaf of its social media campaign. It is an initiative to increase the scope of legal awareness and use the power of social media to aware the general public through IGTV and Reels. This will focus primarily on spreading legal literacy among all people. Therefore, we call upon law professionals, law students, or any person interested to record a ‘120-seconds video (maximum)’ on any legal topic or any meme (related to law). The same should be educational with some wittiness.
This competition shall be open for anyone who is an undergraduate and postgraduate from any Institute/University or any school student in India.
All shortlisted videos will be uploaded on the official Instagram handle of DLSA North-West i.e. @dlsa_northwest . Therefore, creators are advised to keep their eyes on our social media handle for all the updates. Selected shortlisted videos will be uploaded on the Instagram page of North West, DLSA on 05.10.2021 after being fairly examined by this Authority. The decision of selecting Committee shall be final and all the rights in regard to the competition stays reserved by this Authority only.
Winners will be decided on the basis of the number of likes and comments received on their posts.
- 1 Like = 1 Point
Imparting Legal Literacy
- Content should be original.
- It should not be more than 120 seconds (in a compatible format).
- Content should be clear and factually correct.
- Content can be edited or can include graphics.
- Language used can be both English and Hindi.
- Credits will be given to the creator and their team.
- There is no fee for the submission.
- No use of foul language or hacks will be permitted.
- Multiple entries are allowed provided maximum of three Reels/IGTV per team.
- Creators shall mention the following details in the mail:
- Name, Contact number, College Details, Email Id, Instagram Handle.
- The entries for this competition will begin from 17th September, 2021.
- The last date for submission is 3rd October, 2021 (11:00am).
- The shortlisted videos will be uploaded on 5th October, 2021.
- The counting of “LIKES” will be considered till 9th October,2021(05:00pm)
- Result will be declared on 10th October, 2021.
- The video shall be forwarded with a concept note in brief that will be used for Caption on the post along with the Instagram handles of the team on the email id: ( [email protected]).
- Certificate of Appreciation will be given to the Winner along with the trophy.
- Certificate of Participation will be given to the participants of all the shortlisted videos.
- Facilitation Ceremony to be held at the Office of DLSA, Patiala House Court, or any other place decided by the competent authority.
- Content will be posted on the Official Pages of DSLSA and DLSA North-West.
- Opportunity to be a part of our upcoming Podcast Series.