Tag: prabhuti mandhyan

Investigation, Inquiry and Inspection (Companies Act )

Topic:- Investigation, Inquiry and Inspection Author: Prabhuti Mandhyan, LCD, Uttranchal University, Dehradun. Introduction Investigation, Inquiry and Inspection are defined in Chapter XIV of the Companies Act under Sections 206 to 229 where the main objective of the Central Government was to protect the interest of Shareholders so as to maintain transparency so that shareholders can

Waqf and other Religious Institutions

Waqf and other Religious Institutions Author: Prabhuti Mandhyan, LCD, Uttaranchal University. Introduction: The institution of waqf was developed in Islam, Muslim jurists have developed this jurisprudence of waqf. Omar has acquired a piece of land in Khaiber, proceeded to the prophet and sought his counsel to make the most pious use of it. Where prophet