About Student Law Review The Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad, (M.S) Student Law Review is a student- edited, peer-reviewed, bi-annual law journal under faculty supervision aimed at an inter- disciplinary approach towards legal research. It focuses on issues related to various aspects of laws and emerging trends of legal issues. About Maharashtra National Law University,

G D Goenka – ClArb (India) International Commercial Arbitration Competition, 2018 ( November 30- December 2, 2018)

About With an objective to raise the standards of Clinical Legal Education in India, the GD Goenka University, School of Law announces G D Goenka – ClArb (India) International Commercial Arbitration Competition, 2018 from November 30- December 2, 2018. GD Goenka– CIArb Arbitration Competition is based on International Commercial Arbitration Law Regime. India is a

Law and Morality

Law and morality INTRODUCTION Law and morality are both too uncertain terms. many jurists, a philosopher from ancient Greek time to modern time tried to define these to terms. These two terms have a vast sphere. the reason for not finding any definite meaning of these terms can be that both these terms are dynamic


We welcome you to the National Seminar on Justice For Men’s Rights; Emerging Issues& Concerns, to focus on men’s and boy’s health, improving gender relation, promoting gender equality, and highlighting positive male role models. It is an occasion for men to celebrate their achievements and contributions, their contributions to community, family, marriage, and child care

One Day International Seminar on Human Rights & Persons with Disabilities, 2nd December, 2018 at The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi in academic collaboration with CASIHR (Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab), Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur & International Council of Jurists, London.

About: “Law Mantra” (headquarters New Delhi) (Registration No 150 in Book No.4 Vol No 3, 603 0f 2018) is not for profit organisation running for the purpose of enhancing legal academics and legal awareness in the society and in the practice of the same. Law Mantra runs under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Justice Mr. Deepak

Impact of Media on Social, Economic and Political Fabric of Democracy.

Human Rights and Media. Author: Priyanka Saraogi and Prachi Tiwari               Mody university, (College of Law and Governance). INTRODUCTION I should rather have a completely free press, with all the dangers involved in the wrong use of the freedom, than a suppressed or regulated press”. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru When the constitution