Online Course on Company Law
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About the Course:
This course has been designed in such a way that you’ll learn the theoretical parts along with practical skills which will make you market-ready. Earlier our courses were text material based, but here we will teach you via live lectures and share the skills of various compliances necessary in company law.
Lecture-1: Meaning and Nature of Company
- What is a company
- Kinds of company
- Characteristics of a company
- Concept of Lifting Up of Corporate Veil
- Procedure for incorporation of a company
- Difference b/w Company and Partnership
- Difference b/w Company and LLP
Lecture-2: Formation and Incorporation of a Company
- Procedure for incorporation of a company under companies act 2013
- Registrar of Companies (ROC)
- Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
- Documentation required in Registration of a company
- Important forms required for registration of a company
Lecture-3: Memorandum of Association
- Meaning and Nature
- Name Clause
- Registered Office Clause
- Object Clause
- Liability Clause
- Capital Clause
- Association or Subscription Clause
Lecture-4: Article of Association
- Meaning and Nature
- Relationship b/w MOA and AOA
- Contents of Articles
- Alteration of Articles
- Binding Effect of Memorandum and Articles
- Doctrine of Constructive Notice
- Doctrine of Indoor Management
Lecture-5 and 6: Share and Share Capital
- Meaning and Nature of Share
- Kinds of Share
- Share Certificate
- Issue Price of Shares
- Forfeiture of Shares
- Buyback of Shares
- Transfer of Shares
- Surrender of Shares
Lecture-7 and 8: Membership
- Who is a member
- Difference b/w member and shareholder
- Mode of Acquiring Membership
- Who may become a member
- Termination of Membership
- Impersonation as a shareholder
- Rights of a Member/Shareholder
- Duties and Liabilities of a Member
- Expulsion of a member
Lecture 9: Registers and Records to be maintained by the company
- Statutory books to be kept by a company
- Register of Charges
- Register of Members
- Register of Investments not held in the name of a company
- Register of Fixed Deposits
- Books of Accounts
- Register of Directors
- Register of Loans and Investments of a Company
- Minutes Book
- Annual Return
Lecture 10: Company Meetings
a). General Meetings
b. Board Meetings
Lecture 11: Oppression and Mismanagement
Lecture 12: Winding Up of Company
Course Duration: 1 Month
The course will commence on the 1st of December, 2021.
Mode of Course: Text Material (PPts+ Weekend Live Classes through Google Meet/Zoom by Course Instructor or recorded lectures)
Course Instructor: Mr. Apratim De (Founder of lex auxilium)
Who can attend: Any law student interested to know the laws of the company closely and learn practical skills, can join. Any person from other fields interested to know the basics of company law can join.
Registration procedure and fee details
Amount: 1000 299/INR only for a limited period of time.
For Registration, First Fill the form below and then complete the payment.
Contact info
+91 7903775870 (WhatsApp)
+91 7004543283 (Call)

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