Certificate Course on Research Methodology (6th batch) @indianlegalsolution.com
This course has been designed by indianlegalsolution.com A Unit of Raghvendra Kumar and Associates LLP (AAO-0844), is a top legal website of the country. We’re recognized by StartupIndia, Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India, Government of India [DPIIT35711]
The objective of this course is to grow the seeds of proper research methodology among the Law students.
It is very crucial to learn how to research properly as it is the whacking part of the Research i.e. Research Methodology. Without Proper researching skills, a law student is the same as of the empty well. It will enable researchers to develop the most appropriate methodology for their Research Studies. The mission of the course is to impart research skills to the beginners and help improve the quality of Research by the existing researchers. Our Course Structure is designed in such a way that the learning of Research Methodology can be served in a very easy manner and it will energize your mind and consequently, you will evolve like an inbuilt researcher while being with us.
The Participants of the Course will start the course by reading the provided literature at the end of the course they will find themselves equipped enough to author a book or two themselves.
This course is now available in all the major languages. Study Material can also be provided in your language. You can request for the same by sending us an email.
Features of Our Course:
1. You will Learn Research Methodology through our different Modules which is made in the guidance of top advocates and legal wizards throughout the country.
2. You will be provided with the Personal assistance of our best Researchers during your course tenure while going through basics to the extreme of your legal research. Meaning thereby 24×7 assistance by our team during your research to clear your doubts.
3. After learning the basics of Legal Research, You will learn to draft the following :
- Memorial Making.
- Article writing.
- Research paper writing.
4. We will make your research paper publish in the Journal with ISSN no.
Batch :
Applications are open for the 30th of March, 2020, Batch of the course.
Duration: 6-8 Weeks.
All Participants will get two certificates, one from the journal of Paper publication and others from us for the successful course completion (Raghvendra Kumar and Associates LLP).
Payment Details :
Now available at only र1500/INR for a limited period of time
Registration Details
***After Payment, send the screenshot and your full details for confirmation of payment to [email protected]
Contact :
Mr. Ishan Mishra: 7536050282
or, WhatsApp: 7903775870
Sample Certificate