Day: September 19, 2020

CFP: ILSJCCL Volume 2 Issue 4, ISSN: 2581-8465 (Free Publication)

CfP: Indian Legal Solution Journal of criminal and constitutional Law [ISSN: 2581-8465, Vol 2, Issue 4]. About: ILSJCCL (Indian Legal Solution Journal of Criminal and Constitutional Law) is an e-journal having ISSN: 2581-8465 (A Unit of Raghvendra Kumar and Associates LLP,  Reg no. AAO-0844) The team is currently working in the field of Free Legal Assistance and

Waqf and other Religious Institutions

Waqf and other Religious Institutions Author: Prabhuti Mandhyan, LCD, Uttaranchal University. Introduction: The institution of waqf was developed in Islam, Muslim jurists have developed this jurisprudence of waqf. Omar has acquired a piece of land in Khaiber, proceeded to the prophet and sought his counsel to make the most pious use of it. Where prophet